ZBA Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 7, 2021
Zoning Board of Appeals
Present: Chairperson Meg Nelson, Keith Carter and Mike Davis The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

The first application was Jeff Frazier. His architect David Jaquith addressed the Board and asked to withdraw their application. This application needs to be redone and go before the Planning Board.
Keith Carter made a motion to accept the withdrawal and Mike Davis seconded with all in favor.

The second application was Attorney Joel Favazza on behalf of his clients John and Priscilla Coughlin and their tenant Red Barn. They are looking for a variance from Town of Essex Zoning By-law 6-7.2 D (3), to exceed the maximum size of a directory sign located at 8 Martin Street Assessor’s Map 128, Lot 168.

After Attorney Favazza’s presentation and some discussion a motion was made by Keith Carter to grant the variance based on a hardship due to the size of the sign structure and any sign that is smaller would be incompatible with the structure. Mike Davis seconded with all in favor.

The third application was Andrew Scola. He was looking for a variance from Town of Essex Zoning By-law 6-3.2.1 dimentional requirements for a side yard setback for property located at 21 Choate Street. He would like to add a single story attached garage. Chairperson Meg Nelson received a letter from an abutter, which she read, in favor of the Board granting this variance. The letter will be in the file. After some discussion a motion was made by Keith Carter to grant the variance for up to 10 feet based on the shape of the lot. Mike Davis seconded with all in favor.

A motion was made by Keith Carter at 8 pm to adjourn. Mike Davis seconded with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted, Natalie Luca Fiore