Filing Information and Forms

Who Needs to File?

Generally, if you are within 100 feet of a wetland area and/or 200 feet of a riverfront you should check with the Conservation Commission to see if you need to file an application. Both the Agent and the Administrative Clerk are available to assist in determining if you are within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.

Filing Information

Filings for Notices of Intent and Requests for Determination of Applicability require a legal notice and are due TWO WEEKS prior to the hearing date to allow time to submit the legal notice to the newspaper for publishing. Legal notices are currently published in the Gloucester Daily Times one week before the hearing date. Please see the Commission's calendar by clicking here for exact dates for filing deadlines.
Please Note: Applicants are responsible for the fee for publication of the legal notice in the Gloucester Daily News. Applicants and their representatives will be copied on the email to the newspaper requesting publication of the legal notice. A proof with the cost of the legal notice will be forwarded by email to all applicants who provide an email address (or their representative). The applicant (or their representative) is responsible for contacting the newspaper to arrange for payment. If your ad is not paid for, the notice will not be published and your hearing will be delayed. Payments can be made by phone with a credit card or in person at either the Gloucester office or the Beverly office. 